In coburg, trainees were able to obtain information every minute

In coburg, trainees were able to obtain information every minute

They wait in the hallway outside room E 05 of the city's job center. A good dozen youngsters with name tags on their clothes. Some nervous, some relaxed, but all expectant: if they convince today, they may already have their apprenticeship contract in their pocket.

Making a good impression

"I want to leave a good impression in any case", says annalena werner, a dark blue application folder in her hand. "That is certainly not so easy. I've never done anything like this before."
For the fourth time, the job center organized a speed-dating event for people looking for an apprenticeship. This speed dating, originally a get-to-know-you game for men and women, works like this: representatives of invited companies from the region receive the applicants simultaneously in a room at different tables. The applicants have five minutes to introduce themselves. Then they move up in a clockwise direction – to the next interlocutor.

Shortening the gap between employer and trainee

"Companies and applicants can get to know each other and get a personal impression of whether the chemistry is right", explains stefan trebes, managing director of the job center. "We want to shorten the path between employer and trainee." After the event, the companies decide which applicants are allowed to come back for a second interview. "We invite different companies to each speed-dating event. Today the focus is on the commercial professions. But of course the companies that are there offer all their apprenticeship professions."

A bit excited

Annalena Werner wanted to become a media designer. Next year, they will have their secondary school leaving certificate – and, if everything goes well, an apprenticeship. "I have already sent out applications, but have not yet received an interview. I'm a bit excited today", she admits and adjusts her blazer. And the door opens. "The first round is open!" The young people stream into the room, where the tables of the company representatives are arranged in a rough circle. Leise, kaeser, brose, max carl, wohrl, haba, BID and verpalin, on each table a small sign with the company name, in front of it an empty chair, behind it an employee with an expectant face. The young people look around searchingly, settle down on one of the empty chairs, for the first of eight short interviews.

"We held our first trainee speed dating in april 2011, and it was very successful," explains stefan trebes, explains stefan trebes. "Now there is always one in spring and one in autumn. Our goal is for at least half of the applicants to find a training position through speed dating."

Please print to the next table

A buzz of voices buzzes through room E 05, application folders are flipped through, notes are made. "One more minute", announces stefan trebes. Time passes quickly. "The first round is over, please move on to the next table." One of the tables offers a break and the possibility to get something to drink or a piece of cake, both are ready in a corner of the room.

But none of the applicants is in the mood for a leisurely coffee break. "No, I'm not hungry, fends off dmitrij chernicov. Nevertheless, he does not seem excited. "I think it went quite well so far" he says and grins. The 18-year-old wants to become an IT specialist; he is currently catching up on his secondary school diploma. "It would be great if I already had a training place before I finished school. Then it won't happen to me that I'm just hanging around after school."

Sarah wants to become a businesswoman

21-year-old sarah tausendschon is also in the process of completing her secondary school education. She wanted to be a businesswoman. "I'm at trainee speed dating for the first time today." Nevertheless she is rather relaxed about the matter, she says. "I think my speeches have gone quite well so far." Annalena werner thinks the same. "But the first speech was pure excitement."
"Please print to the next table", announces stefan trebes. The breather is over. It's on to the next round, to the next interview.


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