Coburg in the national headlines

Coburg in the national headlines

The comparison may be lame. And yet the meat scandal surrounding the coburg slaughterhouse and the possible high school graduation scandal at the casimirianum high school have something in common: at the beginning, you didn’t want to believe that there was any truth to the suspicions that had been aroused. Well, in the matter of slaughterhouse we move in these days probably already on the "final" on thursday, the city council was able to approve the permanent "off" are being decided. With the casi, on the other hand, everything is only now really starting to roll – especially as far as the media coverage in the rest of the republic is concerned. So on monday with the suddeutsche zeitung, the news magazine "der spiegel" took part as well as the "taz three major media outlets on the topic. And so it is, when coburg with samba, kates baby or also the care of puppies quasi non-stop "on everyone’s lips" is: there are headlines that one could gladly do without. The meat scandal and the possible high school graduation scandal also have this in common.


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