Children get involved in “christmas in a shoebox

Plus animals, a lego car, sweets and lots of warm things. The girls and boys pack the gifts in the brightly colored shoeboxes and hope that they will bring joy to poor children. "When it comes to st. Martin and sharing with those in need, we explained to the children that there are also children in this world who are not so well off", tells educator cordula altmann.

The "christmas in a shoebox" campaign was a good occasion to fill the topic with life. The "children"s oasis this year is the first time that machtilshausen has taken part, and leader michaela warmuth is delighted with the successful premiere. "In this way, we too can make our small contribution", she emphasizes. There are four age groups at the facility, and each group donates a cardboard box. The prizes were sponsored by the children"s parents.