Solar parks in mitwitz and ludwigsstadt seem to be dead

Solar parks in mitwitz and ludwigsstadt seem to be dead

"It is a pity that transport projects in any form are desired, but renewable energies are blocked on a regional level", says bernd brandstatter, managing director of "greenovative,on the rejection of the district and environment committee of the kronach district council to remove flats from the landscape protection area of the frankenwald nature park. Greenovative (ludwigsstadt) and naturstrom AG (near mitwitz) wanted to build solar parks there.

"We will examine the project again and then put to the files. We think it is a pity, but we accept democracy", says brandstatter from "greenovative, who currently has a generally negative attitude towards climate and environmental protection projects. "We don't understand why kronach is against our project. The question is whether this will do the next generation a favor."

Something got infected in the cooking pot: 95-year-old dies in a cake fire in aschaffenburg

Something got infected in the cooking pot: 95-year-old dies in a cake fire in aschaffenburg

Early friday morning, a 95-year-old man from aschaffenburg apparently wanted to prepare something to eat in his kitchen. According to the current state of the investigation, something was ignited in the cooking pot. The attempt of the single man to extinguish the flames failed. Alarmed by the calls for help, a neighbor was able to rescue himself from the danger zone and notify the fire department, which arrived on the scene with numerous forces.

House fire in coburg: resident seriously injured – house uninhabitable