The grobenbuchers rode a life on two wheels

Who doesn't know the kuglerwirt in grobenbuch?? The members of the local concordia cycling club met there – in surprisingly good weather in this so far unusually wet and cold spring – for a cosy get-together. "We restructured our club from the ground up some time ago," says the 59-year-old, reports dieter kusska.

The members had decided to put the association on a broader footing in the future and to do justice to more than just the idea of performance. "We have also recently left all the associations and now exist as an independent club in grobenbuch", deputy chairman edwin schmitt.
The membership fees for the associations have simply cost the grobenbucher too much money over the years. And they have used their offers probably also too little. "We actually have the problem that most of the other cycling clubs are all located around coburg. So when there is an event, we have to travel 100 kilometers just to get there. That was not feasible in the long run", thomas kugler explains the decision.

Back home for coffee
In the past it was not unusual for the grobenbuch cyclists to ride further distances. Then, for example, they went to the beer weeks in kulmbach. The fact that this is no longer possible today is mainly due to the increased average age of the members.

The members were naturally divided according to age and age group. At the same time, fewer and fewer young cyclists joined the club. Hence the idea to restructure the club from the ground up. Today, the triumph of the humility over the sporting ambition. "We no longer want or are able to travel such long distances today. On average, we plan tours that are about 25 kilometers long. Then we stop somewhere and are back home again in the afternoon. We can take the grandchildren with us on the bike tours, we don't come home absolutely rushed and sweaty and we can still drink coffee with the family in the afternoon", 59-year-old kuska explains the advantages of the new concept.

The son-in-law now also swears by the bike
In general: the members of the concordia cycling club are mainly concerned with each other, with socializing and enjoying cycling together. "Everyone should be able to participate and everyone should be able to have fun", says schmitt. The grobenbuchers are also enthusiastic cyclists in everyday life. "I am a househusband and when I want to go shopping, I don't sit in the car, I take the bike. Then I go for a nice, rough ride and do my shopping", tells schmitt.

The kusska family also maintains a close relationship with its two-wheelers. Even his spanish son-in-law has been convinced by kusska of the beauty and time efficiency of cycling.


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