Rocky landscape and stone witnesses

Rocky landscape and stone witnesses

"We are a motley crew", birgit janson stated. The pastoral assistant, together with forster ludwig winkler from woffendorf, had organized the spring family pilgrimage of the catholic parish of altenkunstadt. The pilgrimage, which united all age groups, was held under the motto "mountainous places, rocky landscape and stone witnesses of faith".

After a short prayer service in the chapel in frankenberg, which was built in 1977, the action began. The route led through the fields from frankenberg to mosenberg. The skylark still has its territory here; the pilgrims watched its soaring flight with fascination. The dry summer has left its mark on the forest, as the tree damage made clear. Ludwig winkler showed the copper engraver's work on 20-year-old spruce trees. "Although it only measures about three millimeters, it can do some serious damage. The forest farmers in our region are having a hard time with it", explained the forster. To prevent further infestation, the affected trees had to be felled and removed from the forest. In the "herosen, this is what this forest area is called, the "herrenholzer" divided by sandstone boundary stones. The representation of a goblet on the "stone witnesses, so winkler suspects, probably indicates that this forest used to belong to the langheim monastery. In the course of the secularization, the monastery possessions were called "herrenholz" ("lord's wood") divided among the local farmers.